20h is when I start getting the cats ready for bed, which means:
* moist food both

* teeth brush both (sometimes nail clipping for both since we've already got them wrangled). Brushing Odie's teeth is a two-person job. The vet is impressed with his strength, determination, and agility. I have to wear essentially falconer gloves to deal with him, but he's gotten to the point where he doesn't really fight the teeth brushing. Clipping his nails though is like trying to cage a wolverine. Not that I've ever tried to cage a wolverine, but idk what to compare it to. He screams like we are trying to kill him. He does this thing where he acts like he is going to bite, but never does...at least not us. The vet always takes him back to the rumble zone to clip his nails. I would not be surprised if he fights them harder.

* sometimes ear and chin cleaning for Garfield (very rarely do we need to clean Odie's ears).

* if there was any medicine to administer, this is when we'd do it

* Odie gets dental kibbles since his teeth are horrible.