@pettter To be honest I haven't tracked which scenarios we have been discussing, possibly in parallell. The original post seemed to refer to infrastructure, which is my main context.

Some others have mentioned embedded systems and I have replied somewhat to that too. Using the terms machine and hardware have certainly confused things.

I'd like to stress that I refer to parts of a system which have external attack vectors. Embedded technology without networking (sneakernet USB sticks counts too) is a different issue when it comes to vulnerabilities/malfunction.

While I know of pacemakers with remote/wireless vulnerabilities I know there are variants that don't expose this. Same with intravenous controllers etc.

Oh and I'll happily retract the "instantly" and instead clarify that I mean "death caused directly by removal of the proprietary solution". It is a hard line to draw whether a death was directly caused by the lack of MRI/whatever or not though...