@HerraBRE It's not like any significant amount of people stopped using WhatsApp when it was clear that they reused the same encryption key for all c2s (right?) communication.

So why would them MITMing some "crazy terrorist data leakage person" be any different? These are the likely scenarios that may play out _when_ Facebook/WhatsApp abuses their power:
1. Noone learns about it. (what good is a phone call if YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO MAKE ONE??)
2. The person leaking the information cannot _prove_ it happened.
3. If the person leaking the information _can_ prove the MITM actually happened, media has no idea whatever the fuck this person is talking about and gets a reassuring "We will make sure this does not happen again" from some well-oiled PR person.
4. The person leaking the information is seen as the boy who cried wolf (crazy person, generally paranoid, "I TOLD YOU SO"er etc.).