@lnxw48 I have to protest this statement. As a developer of !gnusocial I _do_ see it as a problem that conversations are split and I don't think anyone disagrees. It would be best if there was a mechanism for "missing notices" to appear in your timeline. !OStatus technically supports this. I still can't say anything else than "yes, we want our implementation to handle this better".
But we are still very few, only free-time developers. There are many other issues to fix, and lots of !SN legacy code which breaks when touched.

Often claimed solutions are:
* Spam-distribution is unacceptable.
* Auto-fetching. Must be analyzed for issues relating to privacy (how/when is it fetched?) and performance (DDoS possibilities etc.). I for one don't want to implement something that gets easily abused.
* Distributed storage might solve the problem of "missing notices", but it causes several new issues which are even worse. I can extrapolate if desired, but I don't want to rant too much.