I don't see the problem. vim lets you jump from start to finish and back of { } blocks using % when the marker is on either end of the block. It also hilights the other end. You can also split the window horizontally to see both the start and the finish of the block at the same time. And you can do a bunch of other tricks which remove annoyances caused by different coding styles.
And if one starts to accept patches that do nothing but make it easier for people using Notepad in Windows or whatever lame editor that doesn't support these feature I just spoke about, it'll just make maintaining really tedious.

So if vim doesn't do all of this for you already, then configure it to. Problem solved. And if you're doing changes in the .css files - which are the case we're talking about now - and then refreshing your site, be aware that there are much easier methods. Like the Web developer tools included in #