After the publication of this post we have received important inputs for this conversations. Here I would like to point out some of them:

@zoowar said «Have you ever been to a dinner party with more than 6 people? It becomes difficult to have a single group conversation. We can't all speak at once, and when we do, not everyone hears us, so we break into groups. These groups are dynamic throughout the meal, but they form, and not everyone is part of every conversation. This is why good hosts spend time seating people near others with similar interests»

@mmm said «Often claimed solutions are:

* Spam-distribution is unacceptable.
* Auto-fetching. Must be analyzed for issues relating to privacy (how/when is it fetched?) and performance (DDoS possibilities etc.). I for one don't want to implement something that gets easily abused.
* Distributed storage might solve the problem of "missing notices", but it causes several new issues which are even worse. I can extrapolate if desired, but I don't want to rant too much»