My weight has been up for about two or three months, but in the last few days, it is slightly lower (in US pounds) than 1/10 of the number of the year I was born. Hoping it keeps going in that direction for a while.
For the first twenty-five years after high school graduation, my weight mostly stayed within ten pounds of my graduation weight.
Why this is important:
1—I feel better physically when my weight is lower
2—All three sons are now obese, and I want to lead the way to them getting their own weight issues under control. (I know the disorder of home life while they were growing up, with me working F/T [and often adding a second job] and attending classes F/T and still being dependent on food banks and friends’ generosity is part of why each one eats more when they are under stress.)
3—I want to stay around for my grandkids, particularly #GS3.
4—It takes fewer calories (less food!) to maintain one’s weight when one weighs less, all other things being equal.
5—Summer temperatures are less botheracious (and Winter temperatures are more botheracious) when one’s weight is lower.
6—Annual check-ups. I’m not wanting to have the doc say “you’re getting a little pudgy, would you like to sign up for a weight management program?”
7—Conservation of mass & energy. There’s a rule that new mass & energy are not created, just converted from one to the other. So if I lose some excess mass, I should gain some energy.