This is a silly meme, but it sort of highlights that the # people are in a position that is likely to quickly collapse.

* No productive capacity, so they'll quickly become dependent on handouts.
* Apparently no governance scheme, so no way to make and enforce decisions in a timely manner.
* The extreme left is very fractious, and the group is likely to split into multiple factions, with the smaller factions quickly being exiled.
* The owners of the homes and businesses located in the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone are not necessarily supporters, and may start agitating for the US government to retake the area and restore their control over what's left of their properties.
* As of last night, there were rumors that an armed "warlord" was claiming to be in charge. If true, those who disagree would need to arm themselves and challenge the first person. (Or perhaps seize his weapon while he sleeps.)
* At some point, once Seattle PD + FBI establish an impermeable perimeter, it is likely that the utilities (water, electricity, telephone / cable / internet) will be turned off and deliveries of supplies will be prevented. In this way, "New Somalia" may fall without a shot.