Right now, I think a lot of us need to read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stafford_Disaster_Relief_and_Emergency_Assistance_Act so that we can understand what abilities and responsibilities lie with which individuals and organizations.

It isn’t necessary to read https://nu.federati.net/url/266572 ... but if one can see the overall picture and not get bogged down in the detailed legalese, that will help even more.

For example, from my reading, I now see why it is up to each state’s governor to issue the stay home order, as I don’t see it being allowed for federal officials absent martial law (which NEITHER YOU NOR I WANT). When I see photos of NYC streets and FL beaches still crowded with people, I want to ask why their state and local governments are not fulfilling their legal responsibilities.

I do fault the Trump administration and federal officials in general for:
1: the testing shortage ... while CDC was working on fixing the US test (which tests for #, #, and #), they should have started producing and distributing the WHO test. They were right to want a test that can catch all three # types that are known to cause deadly epidemics, but we’re still trying to catch up because of the delay.
2: Tests should have been designed from the beginning for rapid production and local results ... mass testing in a nation of 330 million people means we need to get the tests into local agencies’ hands and send people door to door.
3: shortages of masks, gloves, and other PPE as well as shortages of medical equipment ... once we knew it was definitely coming here (Jan/Feb), the emergency order allows the Secretary of Commerce to order the factory conversions that are just starting to happen at the end of March and beginning of April.
4: public speeches that downplay the seriousness of #; not everyone sees the internal communications that tell us how much they’re worried about the disease and the consequences of required public health measures, so I see many uninformed posts each day
5: there is apparently a strategic reserve of PPE and medical equipment ... so why haven’t we heard about opening it up and shipping needed supplies to Seattle and New York City? Why are my local hospitals depending on PPE donations from Rite Aid and Harbor Freight (both of which have very limited inventories)?
