Confirmed #COVID-19 / #2019-nCoV / #SARS-CoV-2 #coronavirus cases:
Worldwide: 207,615
China: 81,102
Italy: 31,506
Iran: 17,361
Spain: 13,910
Germany: 11,302
South Korea: 8,413
France: 7,661
United States: 7,324 [1]
Switzerland: 3,028
United Kingdom: 2,642
Netherlands: 2,056
Austria: 1,646
Norway: 1,550
Belgium: 1,486
Sweden: 1,212 [2]
Denmark: 1,115
Japan: 889 [3]
Malaysia 790
Cruise Ship: 712 [3]
Canada: 598
Australia: 568
Czechia: 464
Portugal: 448
Qatar: 442
Israel: 433
Greece: 418
Brazil: 350
Finland: 336
Singapore: 313
Ireland: 292
Slovenia: 275
Romania: 260
Estonia: 258
Bahrain: 256
Pakistan: 256
Poland: 251
Iceland: 250
[1] The US had (and may still have) a shortage of working test kits and a relatively narrow standard for who is tested.
[2] Sweden was only testing "high risk" individuals, not every sick person.
[3] Technically, the cruise ship's illnesses mostly occurred in Japanese waters, but the numbers are rightly separated.