@knuthollund @vegos I realized that what @rozzin is speaking of is something quite different from what @jrm had in mind (I think). One of the functionalities of status.net and then gnusocial is indeed a separate type of posting for bookmarks. When Delicio.us came apart at the seams Evan even started a dedicated bookmarks service called Freelicious (spelling?). This is the plugin that @rozzin is speaking of. But what I think @jrm is this other thing, a browser sharing bookmarklet. You would visit another site, click on the bookmarklet, and it would capture the link and title, for sharing on Gnusocial. I use a similar one for Pinboard, and there's the PressIt bookmarklet for Wordpress.com, share on facebook, share on Twitter etc. As mentioned, someone coded that in JavaScript, and maybe this is what @vegos says doesn't work now. (@vegos, I remember I had to play around with the script a little bit before it worked for me previously).