@bob @thomask @zoowar @drymer @moshpirit This whole conversation (which is more than just this single thread) has been very enlightening and is a good conversation to have about !gnusocial. For those used to Twitter, these little caveats can be huge, or, at the very least, confusing. Privacy is a hot topic right now, as it should be.

I did a little Google Sleuthing with my username, and I found examples of my GNU Social posts on other servers. I assume that's because of how GS federation works. This is a concern to me, though. If I close my GS account and delete my content on the server I signed up on, will my content remain on the other servers, or does the deletion propagate throughout the federation? If deleting my account, or even deleting a single post, doesn't propagate through the entire system, then I don't fully own or control my own content. That's not good. Of course, I could be mistaken, so can someone either confirm or correct my statements?