!gnusocial Hi. I too have been struggling trying to get this working.

I have successfully subscribed to a feed from one of my blogs that has the PuSHPress WP plugin (By Joseph Scott) installed.

I have verified that there is PubSubHub "hub" item added to the feed, and GNUSocial sees the feed in the SubMirror plugin just fine.

I have confirmed that the feed is in the "feedsub" table in GNUSocial. The feed is also in the "oembed" table in GNUSocial as well.

The correct "huburi" (from feedsub) field is populated, and a secret has been exchanged between my PubSubHub and GNUsocial.

Only problem is, this feed is never updated.

Even after posting multiple new posts in WordPress, the SubMirror plugin never fires to update the feed.
