Well !gnusocial !fediverse the first version of my humble contribution is here: http://www.fediverse.org/
Be nice since there are lots of things to improve as you can see in the To Do list here: http://www.fediverse.org/to-do I need to make the crawler better and more complete but its a start.
I have already pay for 1 yr of the server and the domain, so I plan to keep adding functionalities at least for that time lapse, hoping it will be useful to someone.
The idea is: 1) to generate a map of the fediverse, with a list of most important public nodes, their status and score (not yet implemented). 2) be a neutral reference site for GNU Social newcommers. Not to have a sea of info. but be a reliable place where to choose a node and/or learn the basics to create a new one (text and video how-tos, for which I will need the help of the community to create, wiki?).

All for the moment, be nice and feel free to give me your opinion and collaborate via Github issues/PRs ;)