!gnusocial okay so federation is completely fubarred.

both on iamover18 and on my friend's site, heio.co.

i've looked at the logs that gnusocial logs to /var/log/messages and don't see anything too glaring.

i can't speak for heio.co, but iamover18.org has a local SSL certificate from letsencrypt and is protected behind cloudflare-ssl (full ssl mode, not flexible).

are there any federation debug settings that can be set?

just tried sending a swath of messages between [@]cyberczar[@]iamover18.org, [@]cyberczar[@]heio.co, and [@]cyberczar[@]loadaverage.org and I'm able to receive ALL messages just fine on either [iamover18] or [heio], but when I go to send any new messages or any replies nothing shows up on [loadaverage] (or either of the other instances either.)