@simsa0 2) In the early days I too got frustrated by my lack of technical skills and hearing what the others discuss here about !GNUsocial itself. They were having a good time figuring out how to fix various issues and developing the future !fediverse . But their role was VITAL. It still is. Having people with technical skills (developers and other free software geeks) is vital for a project like !GNUsocial to become a success. "Laypeople" who are nurtured by centralized services cannot produce this vision in the early stages. A deep understanding of the nature of the Internet, combined with necessary technical skills and a certain political will to go against all sorts of walled gardens.... where did those come from?

3) Of course it has to evolve. More non-tech people should be able to use this. They are not here not because GNUsocial is "difficult". It's the "network". All of their friends, news sites, organizations etc are still there inside the walled garden!
