!gnusocial hackfest 1: "Make it usable and consistent"

Now that we have a bug tracker (https://git.gnu.io), I relaunch the idea of a hackfest to improve gnusocial usability and consistency. You don't need to be a programmer to help, see below for a list of things you could do.

When? Let's first hear from you gs lovers if you think this can be useful and feasible. We can then start collecting and tagging issues on the bugtracker, to have a basis to work on, and then agree on a weekend. Here is how you might contribute:

For coders:
- fix papercut bugs or small usability issues
- report unmaintained / broken plugins
- triage bugs copied over from phabricator

For non-coders:
- report usability/interface bugs in the bug tracker or tell !gnusocial !snbugs groups
- collect frequent QA and add them to the #
- get an account on git.gnu.org so that you can report bugs in the future

@mmn @mattl