original plan was to work until 4am, but decided way too tired for that. Well, I might be able to play # until 4am like I did last night. The idea was that if I stayed up late I could actually be functional at night. I mean, I can do house work, and there's definitely some that still needs doing, but if I sit down to work on cover letters or http://blocsonic.com stuff, I start to dose off. I've had more !coffee than I wish to publicly admit, as well as some green tea. I've worked out. I mean, I could work out again, the first workout was tough on the legs, but not so much the upper-body (lots of hills on a weighted bike…I got groceries and I was carrying fluids).

I don't know. Maybe I've talked myself into doing chores until 2am…or just finishing up chores and then going to bed. You know what, this one cover letter really needs to get done. I'm going to try to work on it tonight one more time and if not, I'm going to bed.