Add the # repository to your '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' and you have up-to-date code and all the convenience of package management. Caution: # ahead: Yesterday there was an announcement about an ownCloud server update to 8.2.2; I was running 8.2.0. So, ran 'apt-get upgrade' and was surprised to get ownCloud server 9.0.0. With all the installation bugs that haven't been ironed out yet. Seems there's a bad rewrite rule in the Apache owncloud.conf file which makes it impossible to see the WebUI ("index.php not found", even though it's right there, dammit!) Furthermore, something went bad in the MariaDB database, making it impossible to perform mysqldump backups ("Table 'owncloud.oc_appconfig' doesn't exist in engine"). I'm thinking of reverting from MariaDB back to MySQL, and I'll just hold my nose at the Oracle stench... Might make it easier to recover too...