I'm surprised the Toronto Star printed this crock: http://www.thestar.com/business/2008/02/04/turning_physics_on_its_ear.html But that's from 2008, so there may have been a correction or retraction since then. http://www.thestar.com/about.html claims to be Canada's largest daily newspaper. The parent company, Torstar.com owns a lot of newspapers, including city newspapers like the Hamilton Spectator, Guelph Mercury, and Waterloo Record (which are clones of the Toronto Star with a unique Local section); Torstar owns far more papers than the ones in this image: http://www.torstar.com/images/GalleryImages/homeHeaderGall_copy/medium/Newstitles.jpg The Toronto Star tends to be the most liberal of the other major Canadian newspapers (Globe and Mail, National Post, the Sun chain), but that's not saying much. As for the YouTube videos, I could only sit through the first one and a few seconds of another when I realized I would never get that time back to spend on something more enjoyable.