#AndStatus v.50.01 ""Sensitive" flag and CW/Summary for a Toot/Note" is released (and is already available in the Beta channel), see https://github.com/andstatus/andstatus/issues/456
What's new:
1. Added "summary" (Content warning) Note property and "Sensitive" flag (checkbox in the Editor). If the Note (Toot) is Sensitive, starting a Reply to that toot the app makes the Reply Sensitive also, and copies Summary (CW) from the parent toot also.
Sensitive content may be made visible or invisible in the Navigation drawer (or in Settings -> Timeline). https://github.com/andstatus/andstatus/issues/507
2. More Mastodon attachments are shown now ("remote" media files are shown in a case the type of the local ones is "unknown")
Full list of changes is here: http://andstatus.org/changelog.html