The other day I saw a tweet go by that made me think twice:


The idea that this issue is big enough to win the popular vote for President seemed questionable.

I wondered:
If you are reading this, chances are you fall in these categories and so do your peers. But the real answers are surprising.

The data

Baseline for perspective: 81% of US adults use the Internet. 67% of them are on Facebook. (Pew)


87% of Americans have a cellphone, but only 45% have a smartphone. 31% have a tablet. (Pew)


The kicker: 56% of US Internet users have not been on an airplane this year. 18% never have. (Google Surveys)


Let that sink in
So don't assume that everyone's experience is just like yours. As we see in the data, outside of your circle the world is very different.

I don't think we should feel ashamed for living in a bubble and having privileges. Products like Dopplr and TripIt are very valuable to their niche of frequent travelers. As long as we acknowledge how lucky we are, it's fine. The problem is when people don't realize they're a niche and assume everyone thinks like they do.

In the end

Perhaps Ben's tweet was deadpan, a hilarious critique of Senator Claire McCaskill, Democrat of Missouri, who really should be focusing on the welfare of the majority of Americans, not the privileged few.image