fsfe on identi.ca
This remote profile is registered on another site; see fsfe's original profile page on identi.ca.
fsfe (fsfe)'s status on Monday, 06-Aug-2012 08:38:59 EDT fsfe !FSFE published its August newsletter. http://ur1.ca/9wjqy !gnu !freesoftware -
fsfe (fsfe)'s status on Tuesday, 31-Jul-2012 05:01:21 EDT fsfe FSFE explains the importance of Free Software to the administration of Region Lazio, Italy. http://ur1.ca/9v0mi !gnu !freesoftware -
fsfe (fsfe)'s status on Tuesday, 31-Jul-2012 01:51:05 EDT fsfe press (EN) - .@honline: "!FSFE working on better legal protection for !freesoftware" ur1.ca/9uzwc -
fsfe (fsfe)'s status on Thursday, 05-Jul-2012 08:59:25 EDT fsfe FSFE July Newsletter is published: http://ur1.ca/9qa3c -
fsfe (fsfe)'s status on Saturday, 30-Jun-2012 10:14:11 EDT fsfe Overall now 544 out of 2084 #pdfreaders bugs fixed = 26% success rate for !fsfe and its !freesoftware and !gnu volunteers -
fsfe (fsfe)'s status on Saturday, 30-Jun-2012 07:24:26 EDT fsfe Everybody who is thankful about the #Microsoft vs EU decision: Please support this kind of !fsfe 's work http://fsfe.org/donate !fs !gnu -
fsfe (fsfe)'s status on Wednesday, 27-Jun-2012 08:03:11 EDT fsfe Record fine against Microsoft upheld by European Court of Justice !gnu !freesoftware http://ur1.ca/9kplk -
fsfe (fsfe)'s status on Monday, 25-Jun-2012 12:39:53 EDT fsfe New Fellowship Interview with Bjarni Runar Einarsson on #PageKite: http://ur1.ca/9kc2k !gnu !freesoftware -
fsfe (fsfe)'s status on Tuesday, 05-Jun-2012 06:28:49 EDT fsfe FSFE published his June newsletter: http://ur1.ca/9g3ll !gnu !freesoftware -
fsfe (fsfe)'s status on Thursday, 24-May-2012 02:37:22 EDT fsfe New !Fellowship interview with Giacomo Poderi is online! http://ur1.ca/9cte5 !gnu !freesoftware -
fsfe (fsfe)'s status on Monday, 21-May-2012 08:18:51 EDT fsfe Help us stopping governments' ads for proprietary #PDReaders! Sign the petition !gnu !freesoftware http://www.ur1.ca/1nbvh -
kirschner (kirschner)'s status on Wednesday, 09-May-2012 04:36:44 EDT kirschner !fsfe PR: "State neglected web standards, company now faces EUR 5600 in fines" http://ur1.ca/97eo8 !fs !gnu -
fsfe (fsfe)'s status on Friday, 04-May-2012 04:59:34 EDT fsfe FSFE has published his May newsletter. http://www.ur1.ca/960kw !gnu !freesoftware -
fsfe (fsfe)'s status on Thursday, 26-Apr-2012 05:16:59 EDT fsfe #Ansol and !fsfe invite all !freesoftware supporters to their party in #Lisboa http://ur1.ca/93dqx -
fsfe (fsfe)'s status on Wednesday, 25-Apr-2012 04:33:10 EDT fsfe Summit Meeting of experts calls upon #UK #Government to deliver on #Open #Standards: http://ur1.ca/93dca !fs !fsfe !gnu #fsfe -
fsfe (fsfe)'s status on Monday, 16-Apr-2012 05:30:37 EDT fsfe Is vendor lock-in costing Helsinki 3.4 million Euros per year? http://www.ur1.ca/90j37