ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ on micro.jpope.org
This remote profile is registered on another site; see jpope's original profile page on micro.jpope.org.
ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ (jpope)'s status on Thursday, 11-Apr-2013 07:36:48 EDT ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ
It’s !coffee time I tell you. -
ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ (jpope)'s status on Thursday, 11-Apr-2013 00:21:54 EDT ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ
Github turns five – https://github.com/blog/1470-five-years -
ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ (jpope)'s status on Wednesday, 10-Apr-2013 21:45:31 EDT ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ
@jezra The audio shows and plays fine for me. Looking at the source for the page, it isn’t using the <audio> tag, it’s using an <object> tag http://u.jpope.org/52 -
ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ (jpope)'s status on Wednesday, 10-Apr-2013 21:31:41 EDT ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ
@lnxwalt Pffft. The only real sport is Hockey. All the others are in slow motion. ;) -
ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ (jpope)'s status on Wednesday, 10-Apr-2013 21:20:41 EDT ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ
@nybill It certainly loads quick for me. :) -
ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ (jpope)'s status on Wednesday, 10-Apr-2013 21:06:40 EDT ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ
@jezra I bet it does if you upload an ogg. Remote attachments generally just appear as links for me. -
ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ (jpope)'s status on Wednesday, 10-Apr-2013 20:24:02 EDT ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ
Does the Pope… http://micro.jpope.org/attachment/105142 -
ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ (jpope)'s status on Wednesday, 10-Apr-2013 19:48:25 EDT ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ
@jrobb This was my third trip in the past week. -
ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ (jpope)'s status on Wednesday, 10-Apr-2013 19:20:42 EDT ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ
Damn near my favorite store. http://micro.jpope.org/attachment/105121 -
ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ (jpope)'s status on Wednesday, 10-Apr-2013 18:49:03 EDT ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ
The non-conformists’ oath:
I promise to be different!
I promise to be unique!
I promise not to repeat things other people say! -SteveMartin -
ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ (jpope)'s status on Wednesday, 10-Apr-2013 17:52:33 EDT ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ
@windigo Also, I’m not called #thecaffeineking for nothing. ;) -
ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ (jpope)'s status on Wednesday, 10-Apr-2013 17:51:26 EDT ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ
@windigo I was just hoping that you didn’t come down from the caffeine buzz halfway to Illinois. ;) -
ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ (jpope)'s status on Wednesday, 10-Apr-2013 16:17:50 EDT ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ
@windigo So who’s coffee packed the most punch? -
ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ (jpope)'s status on Wednesday, 10-Apr-2013 12:11:51 EDT ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ
@mpr Sorry, I’ll quiet down now. ;) -
ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ (jpope)'s status on Wednesday, 10-Apr-2013 11:56:53 EDT ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ
@windigo Can’t go wrong with the Rocket Fuel. ;) -
ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ (jpope)'s status on Wednesday, 10-Apr-2013 11:40:41 EDT ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ
Attempted to give someone !coffee advice who eventually stated that they only really like starbucks french roast. I quit since they apparently have bad taste in coffee… -
ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ (jpope)'s status on Wednesday, 10-Apr-2013 09:52:14 EDT ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ
Turning out to be one of those days where `$ cat /limpbizkitbreakstufflyrics.txt>/todaysmood` fits perfectly. :| -
ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ (jpope)'s status on Wednesday, 10-Apr-2013 08:08:48 EDT ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ
@mpr I had a hell of a lightning show on my way to work. -
ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ (jpope)'s status on Wednesday, 10-Apr-2013 07:39:59 EDT ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ
@giammi Cheers! c[~] And it’s storming good enough here for the both of us. ;) -
ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ (jpope)'s status on Wednesday, 10-Apr-2013 07:36:05 EDT ⒿⓅⓄⓅⒺ
Enjoying some !coffee on this stormy day.