drysdam on identi.ca
This remote profile is registered on another site; see drysdam's original profile page on identi.ca.
drysdam (drysdam)'s status on Sunday, 12-Aug-2012 11:39:59 EDT drysdam Not yet sure it's !Debian's fault. Mint and Windows also fail, albeit at different points. -
drysdam (drysdam)'s status on Sunday, 12-Aug-2012 10:47:34 EDT drysdam !Debian prompts and loads non-free firmware, but fails to find router. Mint auto-loads (I guess), finds router but can't connect, like Win. -
drysdam (drysdam)'s status on Sunday, 12-Aug-2012 10:17:29 EDT drysdam Turned on wifi and turned off keyboard switch in BIOS. -
drysdam (drysdam)'s status on Sunday, 12-Aug-2012 10:16:56 EDT drysdam This is during install and/or from a live CD. Debian just dies, Mint finds networks but can't connect to them. -
drysdam (drysdam)'s status on Sunday, 12-Aug-2012 09:51:24 EDT drysdam No wait, I lied. ALSO doesn't work from Windows at home. Huh? -
drysdam (drysdam)'s status on Sunday, 12-Aug-2012 09:23:11 EDT drysdam Apparently. Tried to prevent this by trying in-store, but STILL broken at home. (Not my router--works fine from Windows on same machine) -
drysdam (drysdam)'s status on Sunday, 12-Aug-2012 08:38:08 EDT drysdam OH FFS. I can't get Linux Mint to find the wireless at home either. W.T.F. #ihatecomputers -
drysdam (drysdam)'s status on Saturday, 11-Aug-2012 22:02:03 EDT drysdam Using dd to write "isohybrid" to USB drive seems to make the drive read-only on future mounts. Bug or feature? !debian -
drysdam (drysdam)'s status on Saturday, 11-Aug-2012 21:55:21 EDT drysdam Used laptop vendor wouldn't let me use !debian live cd to check compat. But he had a mint CD. Worked! But !debian doesn't like wireless. :( -
drysdam (drysdam)'s status on Saturday, 11-Aug-2012 08:32:57 EDT drysdam When I install #stumpwm, it doesn't show up in my session manager options in #GDM. b/c it's a window manager? best alt way to try out? -
drysdam (drysdam)'s status on Saturday, 11-Aug-2012 07:51:17 EDT drysdam Everyone (so far) in #CodersAtWork a) uses !emacs b) uses print statements to #debug c) owns but has not read #ArtofComputerProgramming -
drysdam (drysdam)'s status on Friday, 10-Aug-2012 07:27:14 EDT drysdam Are the #VTK books good for learning or are they just paper versions of the class diagram dumps? -
drysdam (drysdam)'s status on Monday, 06-Aug-2012 21:11:24 EDT drysdam Aha, my guidebook was printed in Canada. There's plenty on the American side. #nicetrycanada -
drysdam (drysdam)'s status on Monday, 06-Aug-2012 20:55:42 EDT drysdam Ugh, I didn't realize that EVERYTHING GOOD at Niagara was on the Canadian side. I'm not going through the #hassle of getting passports. -
drysdam (drysdam)'s status on Saturday, 04-Aug-2012 13:45:18 EDT drysdam You'd think that a book as beloved as On !Lisp and going for $177 used would get back in print. -
drysdam (drysdam)'s status on Friday, 03-Aug-2012 21:03:42 EDT drysdam And a nice long tutorial! Thanks! -
drysdam (drysdam)'s status on Thursday, 02-Aug-2012 09:14:50 EDT drysdam I can't believe it took me an hour to figure out how to get "both values" from asin(). !math -
drysdam (drysdam)'s status on Wednesday, 01-Aug-2012 11:50:58 EDT drysdam No, it was there. It's just that your sampling rate was too low to find it. -
drysdam (drysdam)'s status on Wednesday, 01-Aug-2012 07:26:12 EDT drysdam My fingers have gotten ahead of my brain. I've generated 5 million data points that I don't understand. #lesstypingmorethinking -
drysdam (drysdam)'s status on Sunday, 29-Jul-2012 08:04:18 EDT drysdam usocket (http://ur1.ca/9uq07) is more convenient impl than sbcl's sockets (http://ur1.ca/9uq08)? Has select(), for instance. !lisp