  • Social MEowDia Explained

    Feb 22 2013

    While social media might be second nature to some of the more tech savvy individuals of the world, it’s a fully foreign language to others – even those that feel they have a solid understanding of the platform are often blind-sided by some of the totally new social sites that seem to be popping up left and right.

    Well, with that, we’d like to explain exactly what social media is and how the various sites each offer their own take on the technology.

    Of course, we’re well aware that you’ve seen social media explained to the layman before, however, in honor of our presentation at Search Fest 2013, we’ve added some of the newer sites, such as Pinterest, Yelp and Spotify, that might still have you puzzled … oh, and beyond that, have you ever seen it explained by cute little kitties?

    The answer is no, you haven’t. The only question is who explains it better cats or dogs?
    Go ahead and vote in our Paws vs. Claws Social Media Contest of Epic Purrportions!

    Social MEowDia Explained

    Are you looking for an eye catching infographic like this one? Let us make it for you!
    Would you like to use this infographic on your site or blog? That is fine by us, as long as you provide attribution by either using the share code below or including a text link to http://avalaunchmedia.com/infographics/social-meowdia-explained and citing Avalaunch Media as the copyright owner of this infographic.

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    Matt Siltala


    All About Matt Siltala

    President of Avalaunch Media - specializing in Social Media, Viral Marketing, Branding & SEO - Regular Search Industry Speaker. I enjoy traveling with my family and soaking up every minute that life has to offer! [read more]
    • http://www.seo.com/ Darin “Doc” Berntson

      The only cat missing… is Batman Cat! Otherwise… purr-fection! =)

      • http://www.avalaunchmedia.com/ Matt Siltala

        hey Doc … what network do you think Batman Cat fits? We can always do an updated version. Many thought we should have had Reddit in there too, but I wasn’t sure which Cat to use since “Grumpy Cat” was already taken. Any “troll” Cats out there? hahah

        • http://www.igobydoc.com igobydoc

          Hey Matt… Batman Cat could work for Tumbler, seeing how that is where a lot of the photo memes hang out. But it is not very superhero’ish. Maybe Reddit would be a better fit as he oversees the good and the bad that happens in Gotham… I mean Reddit. =)

    • http://twitter.com/Stu_Draper Stuart Draper

      Love the dig on Google+: “I work for Google and I have a cat.” Ha. You guys are the infographics kings.

    • Anonymouse

      this is great, but no tumblr D:

      • http://www.avalaunchmedia.com/ Matt Siltala

        Tell me what “Internet Famous Cat” describes Tumblr the best in your opinion and I will add it in on the next update :-)

    • http://www.jackyeclayton.com/ Jackye Clayton

      Super cute!

    • Jan

      That’s what google wants you to believe. They use a lot of trickery to achieve those numbers.

    • http://www.avalaunchmedia.com/ Matt Siltala

      he must work for Google … and I bet he owns a cat. (see what I did there)