
Every time you post on Twitter, you produce value for the advertisers.

You tell everyone in your network there that it's OK to stay. That you're all helpless to leave.

You tell the people who've lost their jobs, the people who are being hounded and harassed, that they are not important to you.

You know you're going to be ashamed of it later.

Just stop posting.

Do it here, not there. Connect here, not there.

Don't reply, don't like, don't retweet.

Stop feeding your life into the machine.


or you stay and fight

you tell everyone in your network that it's not okay to surrender spaces to fascists without a struggle

you tell the people who've lost their jobs that we'll resist the new owner using his own wealth and resources

you provide an alternative example for all the normies still there that they don't have to be radicalized and recruited by haters and inciters of violence

@ares @evan

The fash are reading your DMs. If someone gets doxxed because your so-called resistance is communicating in a Nazi space, using Nazi tools, talking in front in Nazi informants, who is going to take responsibility?

@rewarp @evan

does it have to be said not to dm, not to use your home or work ip, not to use your real phone number, not to use your real name, not to post pics of your passport, not to post pics with metadata, not to post your face, not to post your friends' faces

@ares @evan

It does. If you are going to produce content on a Nazi network. If however your interactions pull in casuals who are in it for you, then you have a responsibility to ensure they stick to never mentioning potentially identifiable information.

Twitter's tracking cookies are also all over the Internet. Simply by logging in, you are traceable.

@evan @ares I agree with fighting them. But when the “space” is defined by the people and connections and ongoing content, is it actually surrendering to simply, collectively, turn away from Elmo and his thralls? Or is it winning?

@jpanzer @evan

when fascists march in the streets, when they intimidate and kill with weapons and vehicle attacks, when police protect fascists and attack counterprotesters instead, antifascists don't walk away, we stay and fight

there's no obligation to fight, the people who remain in their homes with their doors locked and window shades drawn aren't bad people, everyone can do or not do what's right for them

but there is a role for those who stay and fight, for those who set an example, who show that we will not be silenced without a struggle, even if it seems like a lost cause, even if we don't win

@ares @jpanzer @evan

I'm gonna argue that Twitter is, after all, a business, and that a usefully effective fightback right now is a sustained effort to push it into bankruptcy.

@timbray @jpanzer @evan

sure, nuking the entire site from orbit would be a good thing

unfortunately bankruptcy doesn't accomplish that

bankruptcy lets elmo stop paying creditors while the site shambles along

meanwhile the cesspool grows into a toxic superfund site, incubating the worst of the worst

a metastasizing cancer

@ares @jpanzer @evan it is absolutely delusional to think that as a user you have any control whatsoever about what happens on Twitter. It is not a democracy. You don't have a vote. Your disapproving tweets have no effect whatsoever on actual policy decisions. Elon Musk and his band of right wing conspirators are not influenced by you in any way. At best you are a resource for them, a little statistic that they can leverage into earning advertisers' money. At worst, you're a harassment target.

@smn @ares @evan I don't think anybody believes Elon is listening to anybody but sycophants telling him how great he is, nor are users saying things anywhere going to change his mind. Any activity on Twitter itself should be strategic (e.g., getting users to leave).

And if enough users leave Twitter, it isn't a platform. In a social network, the people are the platform. Without just the Nazis on Twitter, it's just a way overpriced copy of Parler.

@jpanzer @evan @ares The idea defending space makes a lot more sense in a physical space, and not when it is activity on a website that, 1, is owned by a fascist, and 2, makes money from activity regardless of intent.


Don't disagree with @evan
• "stop posting" and
• "stop feeding your life into the machine"
can have different meanings.
Stop “feeding your life” definitely.

Ack to @ares !
Physically I am from the “space” which caused the Shoah.
I fight the past at twit and try to create future here with y'all.

I think that ads were Jacks business model and that the one of twit is now different
The investors who sue twit say he made stock manipulation say he saved $156.000.000 only by first stock manipulation.
He wants to colonize opinions.

I think it is super important that employees and journos continue to amplify all the leaks on the platform and yes, that we fight.

I am in the EU to create awareness and advise about Open Protocols and ActivityPub in the context of Digital Services Act. If twitter becomes a gatekeeper in the DSA, the new model will be destroyed suddenly. Then I can leave to not fuel the ads which _then_ would keep it alive.

@sl007 @evan @ares Yep. I think that, given the situation, anyone who is fighting needs to be very careful of what information they share not just via posts but with the site itself (this is why I left Facebook in 2019). Including but not limited to source IP address.

@cambraca @evan

elmo loses money on every user so let's help him make it up on volume, then report every advertiser for nsfw content and burn up a few more of his dollars

@ares @evan yeah, nothing like white flight… leave the people who have no better place alone to rot!

anyway, there are basically no more advertisers to monetize our tweets. the few ads there are are scammy drop shipping stuff.

if users are producing a net value still, it won’t be long til they’re a net cost.

The only fighting that matters to a company is money. If you're not contributing money, you're contributing social worth by engaging on that platform, good or bad. Your presence and posts there add to the figures that attract advertisers.

You don't have to stay on that platform to help the normies and people who've lost jobs.

Create social worth elsewhere for them to build upon.

@ares @evan stay and fight? What do you hope to achieve from behind a keyboard, beyond boosting Twitters engagement statistics, and thus attractiveness to advertisers?

Every tweet you make is another penny in Musks wallet.

@evan If nothing else, make your account private & soft block anyone who you could live without. It's a good first step towards leaving entirely.

Private accounts won't be a thing much longer anyhow. Public accounts are far more profitable due to higher engagement. Guarantee all private accounts will be forced to be public before 2024.

I'll be giving it up myself before year's end. Just trying to convince a few stragglers to follow me here. Attachment issues are a pain.


I'm only posting things I won't post here because I like this space and my inner troll has to be let out from time time time. ;)

@evan You are 100% correct! Another way of saying it is: stop sharecropping... Because, creating value on someone else's property (in a fashion similar to silos like Twitter) is sharecropping point blank.
(With apologies to my friends who had ancestors who sharecropped IRL. ) ✊

@evan I've come to agree that it's the only way. At the same time, I still have a big lifeboat I want to throw to my 16 years of friends there. So I maintain a minimal presence until my servers are out of dry dock. But I'm trying to prepare many for that day when it's going to be a big stigma they have to wear. And should be. I don't believe most want to stay. They just need help getting over a fear of losing years of connections that they don't have to lose, if they start now.

I've heard from Black folks here say that hastag-BlackTwitter there is a literal life-saver for many, and is used to keep the community quickly well-informed of relevant issues, e.g. killings by police. Unfortunately, there is not anything nearly as effective here, yet. I'd love everybody and that community in particular to migrate ASAP, but it will take at least a little time. How can we help?

That said, I think *many* people do not have as real a need, and could indeed migrate now.

@evan I want those people who've lost their jobs to suffer without having to post on twitter. What a dilemma.

@evan I’ve started telling people to get a lifeboat now. It’s a migration. It’ll take some time.

But it’s also my pinned tweet. Which I am pointing to in each tweet in a “Twitter delenda est” spirit.

@evan Doesn't even connecting to the service (via web or app) also increase their monthly active user count? Best to never visit at all.

@evan Twitter is thriving without dumb fucks like you on it. Cope and seethe

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