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Octocat-spinner-32 .settings Remove spring-asm and inline ASM 4 into spring-core
Octocat-spinner-32 buildSrc Fix MergePlugin
Octocat-spinner-32 gradle Replace references to VMware with Pivotal
Octocat-spinner-32 spring-aop Set scoped proxy role to same role as target definition
Octocat-spinner-32 spring-aspects Consistent whitespace after imports
Octocat-spinner-32 spring-beans-groovy Polish Javadoc for Groovy bean support classes
Octocat-spinner-32 spring-beans Fixed hasUnresolvableGenerics() to return false in case of an unresol…
Octocat-spinner-32 spring-context-support Upgraded to JCache 1.0 RC1
Octocat-spinner-32 spring-context Polish Javadoc for Groovy bean support classes
Octocat-spinner-32 spring-core Polishing
Octocat-spinner-32 spring-expression Polishing
Octocat-spinner-32 spring-framework-bom Add a 'bill of materials' project for Maven users
Octocat-spinner-32 spring-instrument-tomcat Fix various javadoc warnings
Octocat-spinner-32 spring-instrument Allow instrumentation to be used with Attach API
Octocat-spinner-32 spring-jdbc ResourceDatabasePopulator's setScripts takes varargs
Octocat-spinner-32 spring-jms Actually accept String expressions for "prefetch" and "receive-timeou…
Octocat-spinner-32 spring-messaging Add client login/passcode to broker relay
Octocat-spinner-32 spring-orm-hibernate4 Adapted orm.hibernate4 and HibernateJpaVendorAdapter to avoid depreca…
Octocat-spinner-32 spring-orm InjectionMetadata caching per bean name needs to refresh when bean cl…
Octocat-spinner-32 spring-oxm Compatibility with XStream 1.4.5
Octocat-spinner-32 spring-test Introduce AbstractMockMvcBuilder class
Octocat-spinner-32 spring-tx Polishing (including removal of javadoc imports that show as package …
Octocat-spinner-32 spring-web Fixed accidental use of Java 8 getParameterCount(), plus polishing of…
Octocat-spinner-32 spring-webmvc-portlet DispatcherPortlet never uses a resource forward on Liferay
Octocat-spinner-32 spring-webmvc-tiles3 Consistent whitespace after imports
Octocat-spinner-32 spring-webmvc Polishing
Octocat-spinner-32 spring-websocket Add client login/passcode to broker relay
Octocat-spinner-32 src Fixed typos
Octocat-spinner-32 .gitignore Add .gradletasknamecache to .gitignore
Octocat-spinner-32 Instruct contributors to branch from master
Octocat-spinner-32 Updated build instructions to refer to OpenJDK 8 build 100
Octocat-spinner-32 build.gradle Upgraded embedded Derby support to 10.6+ and build to 10.10
Octocat-spinner-32 Next development version
Octocat-spinner-32 gradlew Replace MaxPermSize use in build scripts
Octocat-spinner-32 gradlew.bat Upgrade to Gradle 1.8 and propdeps 0.0.5
Octocat-spinner-32 import-into-eclipse.bat Fixed URLs in import-into-eclipse scripts
Octocat-spinner-32 Fixed URLs in import-into-eclipse scripts
Octocat-spinner-32 Skip creation of IDEA metadata for spring-aspects
Octocat-spinner-32 settings.gradle Add a 'bill of materials' project for Maven users

Spring Framework

The Spring Framework provides a comprehensive programming and configuration model for modern Java-based enterprise applications - on any kind of deployment platform. A key element of Spring is infrastructural support at the application level: Spring focuses on the "plumbing" of enterprise applications so that teams can focus on application-level business logic, without unnecessary ties to specific deployment environments.

The framework also serves as the foundation for Spring Integration, Spring Batch and the rest of the Spring family of projects. Browse the repositories under the SpringSource organization on GitHub for a full list.

Downloading artifacts

See downloading Spring artifacts for Maven repository information. Unable to use Maven or other transitive dependency management tools? See building a distribution with dependencies.


See the current Javadoc and reference docs.

Getting support

Check out the Spring forums and the spring and spring-mvc tags on Stack Overflow. Commercial support is available too.

Issue Tracking

Report issues via the Spring Framework JIRA. Understand our issue management process by reading about the lifecycle of an issue. Think you've found a bug? Please consider submitting a reproduction project via the spring-framework-issues GitHub repository. The readme there provides simple step-by-step instructions.

Building from source

The Spring Framework uses a Gradle-based build system. In the instructions below, ./gradlew is invoked from the root of the source tree and serves as a cross-platform, self-contained bootstrap mechanism for the build.


Git and OpenJDK 8 early access build 100 or later

Be sure that your JAVA_HOME environment variable points to the jdk1.8.0 folder extracted from the JDK download.

check out sources

git clone git://

import sources into your IDE

Run ./ or read as appropriate.

Note: Per the prerequisites above, ensure that you have JDK 8 configured properly in your IDE.

install all spring-* jars into your local Maven cache

./gradlew install

compile and test, build all jars, distribution zips and docs

./gradlew build

... and discover more commands with ./gradlew tasks. See also the Gradle build and release FAQ.


Pull requests are welcome; see the contributor guidelines for details.

Staying in touch

Follow @springframework and its team members on Twitter. In-depth articles can be found at the SpringSource team blog, and releases are announced via our news feed.


The Spring Framework is released under version 2.0 of the Apache License.

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