Notices tagged with work, page 4
Weird thing about being a long-term casual employee is you get a kind of Stockholm Syndrome. When you're sent home early or have a shift canceled you don't think about the lost income, you're just glad everything's running smoothly without you. #work
Woop, today I will #work from 08.00 to 23.30!
An evening !coffee #work
!tzag, !fediverse. While !coffee making itself, it's time to do something useful on #work.
!tzag, !fediverse. While !coffee making itself, it's time to #work :)
LONG email thread at #work: #rabbithole opened with someone #misspelling "internationalised" in 1st msg, now we're talking about #pie.
@boneidol did you ever read Bob Black's `The Abolition of #Work'?
#Plan for next year: prevent #work from scheduling event in conflict with !LibrePlanet, get @palmella to take off from work, hire babysitter
@bkuhn, cf. re: #work vs. #play.