Notices tagged with startrek, page 2
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Saturday, 01-Jun-2013 00:06:13 EDT Joshua Judson Rosen `Captain Picard Day': -
Joshua Judson Rosen joined the group Star Trek.
filhocf (filhocf)'s status on Wednesday, 20-Feb-2013 15:08:53 EST filhocf Is possible? !Debian "was used" (in the future) by engineer staff, inside of Enterprise, in Star Trek? - #fun #startrek -
Stefano Zacchiroli (zack)'s status on Monday, 17-Dec-2012 06:24:34 EST Stefano Zacchiroli @andreacolangelo @paultag: too bad the terminal window in the screenshot hides Spock !startrek -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Thursday, 11-Oct-2012 23:48:04 EDT Joshua Judson Rosen I'm imagining a #Star-Trek where they had to setup networks of cell towers on each planet before comms between away-team members worked.... -
Joshua Judson Rosen (rozzin)'s status on Monday, 08-Oct-2012 20:40:12 EDT Joshua Judson Rosen #Star-Trek communicator #cell-phone case... reminds me how lame our communications infrastructure is: -
Stefano Zacchiroli (zack)'s status on Sunday, 16-Sep-2012 06:10:01 EDT Stefano Zacchiroli I didn't realize it up to now, but last week I watched the last episode of !StarTrek #TOS | #sadness -
laurelrusswurm (laurelrusswurm)'s status on Monday, 03-Sep-2012 21:43:53 EDT laurelrusswurm When I was a kid watching original #StarTrek I thought the civilizations that gave control to machines were stupid... !copyright #DRM #Hugos