Notices tagged with pumpio, page 9
I just found out that I can backup my !identica data at Seemed to work in my case. !pump !sn !identicaverse
Looks like there will be no groups anymore in !pumpio, like !statusnet, or didn't i look properly? So are the !identica groups soon gone?
I like microblogging /w !statusnet style. If !pumpio has no hashtags, groups etc (yet), probably I'll create an account in other site.
the federation accepts any kind of people and any kind of software (even #pumpio ;-) )
We had great progress with for SN; it's a good community. Maybe we can use it instead?
Yes! on freenode
@pztrn The realtime stuff worked as well on my initial setup to be honest. Things seem to work a little more smoothly though with the websocket support.
@vinilox @pztrn Yeah, my initial setup was a basic nginx proxy. Now using websocket proxy. Both have seemed to work quite well.
@postblue @jbfavre That said, I didn’t really have issues running #pumpio behind a standart proxy_pass setup. My initial setup documented here:
@jbfavre @postblue Yep it does. My sample #pumpio #nginx config is here:
@mcnalu should we start some bounties?
@dvdmrsdn well then, how about a sweepstake on what will be the first actual !pumpio client? :)
... when the #pumpio <-> sn bridge (or whateva) comes: 3rd party devs have less work 2 update their apps + probably more motivated to change
@dvdmrsdn well then, how about a sweepstake on what will be the first actual !pumpio client? :)
@evan: I'm curious,will you distribute current #identica accounts over multiple (federated) #pumpio servers? that would be exceedingly #cool
Good to hear it!
Using my ! account a lot more I am actually finding it quite fun and interesting.
Using my ! account a lot more I am actually finding it quite fun and interesting.
I didn't try anything yet: terribly tempted to set my own server: !StatusNet !MediaGoblin !Pumpio and blog or wiki, and room for friends :)
@reality @psquid @moggers87 about !identicurse client: will you add #pumpio protocol (to the existing !ostatus) before transforms?