Notices tagged with nagios
Anybody know anything about monitoring #Kafka connectors explicitly? I am not talking about the broker or producers or consumers.
For now, any !monitoring tool is fine.
Has anyone used by chance? !monitoring
I have nagios, Prometheus, and Zabbix all installed. I am ready to be the !monitoring guy!
At some point, I need to set up the #ElasticStack, #FluentD, and #Grafana, but Grafana in particular I don't see as a monitoring tool. It is a visualization tool. It is often in the stack with Prometheus, and I need to know it, but I don't see it as a priority. The priority is to get Prometheus monitoring my #Cassandra install.
It has been a while since I have done anything with #MySQL and #Postgres. I keep forgetting that the package 'mysql' is not the server.
Of course, the Zabbix instructions could be a lot better in this regard. !monitoring
postgres works, but Zabbix does not. I think I created a !monitoring group long ago...not that groups are really that useful these days
Anybody ever seen bad DNS entries cause crashes in compiled Linux applications (specifically on the Red Hat side of things)? My guess at the moment is somehow these DNS failures are causing a resource limitation. It doesn't make any sense from an application point of view, since !nagioscore sees down hosts all the time. These is not a beta, this is in a version that came out in…
Anybody got access to an AIX machine? We don't, sadly: !nagioscore
Hey !sysadmin, you should join !nagioscore (you know, if you use it).