Notices tagged with gs, page 4
@juanr Sí, en los posts, el enlace que comenta @david aparece al final del listado de comentarios y es «Haz click aquí para enviar un comentario desde» Voy respondiendo al resto de preguntas: # Si alguien que no tenga usuario en La Matriz u otro nodo y siguiendo al autor del post, ¿puede comentar? Sólo se puede comentar teniendo un usuario…
@mcscx @hannes2peer Please don't make the !gs WebUI pull in third-party images or attachments. A secure browser won't display those items at all. Distributing a thumbnail with the message, then storing and serving it locally shouldn't be that onerous, ensures a (secure) single source for the entire page, and relieves the origin server of serving every hit from federated sites. And …
Noch einmal meine Frage zu !Gnusocial. Hat jemand eine Instanz auf am Laufen? #gs
Just setup SphinxSearch plugin on my #gs instance. So much faster.
idk if useful, but I grepped/formatted the #GS source code for "TODO|FIXME|XXX": !hackfest
In other news, my PuSH subscriber, subscribed to my #GS hub, received the last notice. w00t!
Did some spring cleaning in the !gs "hubsub" SQL table. Let's hope I didn't break everything ;)
That is, check with to see if is running the #Twitterbridge plugin. If it is, on the !GNUsocial Settings page there will be a Twitter item where you can set the connection between your !GS and your !Twitter account.
Sending from !GNUsocial to !Twitter requires that your !GS instance is running the #Twitterbridge plugin. Check with @neadmin. The Twitterbridge is not well supported, since Twitter keeps changing its API. Inbound Twitterbridge messages tend to create resource issues on GS (several well-connected Twitter users can flood the GS database with Twitter messages), and Twitter doesn't pl…
Frage #gs !gnusocial - Hat jemand in der Community eine aktuelle GS Version auf einem Server mit Shared Hosing (ohne root) laufen?
In my experience, artists tend to be followers in social media, not leaders. They go where the people are, and they use the platforms with the largest user-base because they want social media to expand their audience and, hopefully, secure more patronage. Furthermore -- and this is my art school experience talking -- most artists are either borderline Luddites or they're ignorant/…
@elbinario Qué bueno! Nos alegra un montón y valoramos mucho vuestra ayuda para testear el plugin. El principal problema que estamos enfrentado ahora es la duplicación en #wordpress de alguno de los comentarios. El principal problema aquà es que los feeds de las conversaciones de #gnusocial no están habilitadas para suscribirse a ellas mediante #pubsubhubbub Asà que nos hemos t…
@david @lasindias We are working on the website for the event and looking for sponsors. Most probably dates for !gs !gnusocial stuff will be between the 6th and 9th. But we are still putting all pieces together. Anyway we will be happy if !gs developers can stay as long as possible. The goal is to mix and discuss with the non-corporate sharing economy people and to make real with the…
@lnxw48 Would be great to have a clear explanation of what you call a partial conversation. I think the first question to be answered is what a conversation is on #gnusocial and from which messages conversations should consist of. In order to make all this more easy I wrote some lines on this and would be nice if you added to it an explanation of that what you call a partial convers…
@lasindias #GNUsocialCamp 2015 will take place in Asturias Spain together with the #ShareableLab from 6th to 16th of September
A key meeting for ignite the social federated web and giving back sharing economy to the citizens and the neighborhoods
cc @mattl @mmn @aroque @vinzv @knuthollund @erkan @johns @laemeur @roland @gnusocial @lnxw48 @simsa0
!gs !gnusocial !gscamp
@lasindias #GNUsocialCamp 2015 will take place in Asturias Spain together with the #ShareableLab from 6th to 16th of September
A key meeting for ignite the social federated web and giving back sharing economy to the citizens and the neighborhoods
cc @mattl @mmn @aroque @vinzv @knuthollund @erkan @johns @laemeur @roland @gnusocial @lnxw48 @simsa0
!gs !gnusocial !gscamp
@lasindias #GNUsocialCamp 2015 will take place in Asturias Spain together with the #ShareableLab from 6th to 16th of September
A key meeting for ignite the social federated web and giving back sharing economy to the citizens and the neighborhoods
cc @mattl @mmn @aroque @vinzv @knuthollund @erkan @johns @laemeur @roland @gnusocial @lnxw48 @simsa0
!gs !gnusocial !gscamp
My suggestion to a transparent federation to #twitter and the like. This suggestion would allow users on !gnusocial to communicate with users on twitter without having an account on that network and also get replies from twitter users. It will also draw the external network users' attention to !gnusocial. The solution is _a bot_ that will play the role of an intermediary jumping th…
My suggestion on how to transparently federate to #twitter and similar without the need for users to have a twitter account. My suggestion would also draw the federated to users' attention to !gnusocial. The idea is simple: _a bot_. This bot will simply repeat anything said to him. It gets mentioned in !gs, then it posts it again on twitter. He is replied to on twitter, he post it …
@simsa01 @mmn @mcscx @zash Great to know this!
I think all this conversations on #federation have been very productive. We have identified a technical issue - you are not receiving all publications from people your are subscribe to - and now we have a solid base of how federations works on #gnusocial and how it is based on people connections #important
!gs !gnusocial !gscamp