Notices tagged with gnome, page 14
Just want to say that I really like GNOME3! Keep up the good work! I've tried a lot of different DEs but nothing compares to GNOME3
@postblue Well said. Too many people seem to forget that Torvalds is a kernel hacker, not a UX designer
«The Ups and Downs of !GNOME 3» by @kaz
is there like a gtk port of !kate !gnome !gtk !archlinux?
location bar is case sensitive and is not a replacement of find-as-you-type, in general. That said, it's handy sometimes.
Ctrl+L is your friend.
!gnome a couple of #tests with #nautilus
Of course, I know there are plenty of alternatives out there. Still, I'd like !gnome to work at it's best.
Looking for a Diff GTK-GUI? Checkout Meld, top little app: !GNOME
but you were *also* against the theory…, weren't you?
After some time, I can say that this is the classic difference between theory and pratice. The new !gnome type-and-find is disappointing.
- just fi !playogg !linux !w3c !linkedin !ubuntu !swxg !php !thunderbird !kde !python !q !gnome !css !gnu
I like Gnome Shell with Epiphany web apps. Now using Epiphany most of the time. !gnome !gnu !linux !foss
!gnome 3.6 limits the desktop background to 15 colors? And doesn't let you choose how to scale a background image? Or the #problem is me?
no se si era por mi netbook o porque hice la instalación desde testing, pero en la de escritorio ya vi como cambiar el wallpaper de !Gnome
is there a gtk alternative for regexbuddy !archlinux !gtk !gnome ?
It's clearly a complication compared to two panes view :\
@fdelapena annoyingly, GNOME maximises windows when I do this, panes were sooo much better
Making myself at home with !XFCE, to escape the !GNOME Shell CPU util bug. Desktop icon captions are still annoying but can be turned off
Get more out of !gnome shell using extensions. !ArchLinux !linux !gnu !foss