Notices tagged with friendica, page 6
in 5 days: The #Berlin !friendica User Group will meet at 9th Jan at c-base
mailing list: "I would like to give a demonstration of !friendica on the #CLT 2014 (1) with emphasis on security and privacy." (1)
RT @Nivatius hat jemand !friendica mit #facebook integration am laufen? brauche hilfe beim einrichten
another error I made: I didn't #subscribe to more people on this instance back then :-( I somehow thought the history on would stay
tell the !friendica devs or search their bugtracker?
I was running back then 2 #statusnet and 1 #friendica in parallel, what else do you want from me? become self-aware and demand your #own SN
RT @BroeckelndeWand @CptLeto Wenn, dann sollten wir ihm gleich #Friendica oder #GNUSocial beibringen^^ // @netnrd from
right, if it's technically doable someone already does it (or forces them to do it)
cc !friendica question
... I don't even trust my own SN (it can be hacked anytime or is already)
exactly this. (it doesn't matter if it's friendica, or whatever system, also SN with it's private groups or DMs)
yeah, I know that is recently more into #friendica (because of its better #dataPortability aspect) cc @question
RT @marxistvegan Woah #statusnet for meego is working with !friendica
The reason I don't run !friendica (or any other software which make "ad" to their so-called privacy, security) is that they (want to) "delude": #nothing on the inet is private! If I don't use such software, I will keep in mind that all things are #public and secrets will be secrets when only I know it (or the #telepathy guy working for the government)
@lg seems your #friendica server (1) has still the bug: in 19 seconds: 30x called 1 specific page, and that's only 1 of the whole pages :-(. cc erinnerst du dich noch an diesen Bug? Gibt's dafür schon einen Fix? (wenn ja: kontaktiere ich mal den admin) (1) version is: 3.2.1745
Yes, some (or actually every) #friendica instance is "DDOS"ing [(1) repeating same calls over and over] :-( I told @heluecht about it, not sure if he fixed it since then. (1) It feels refreshing to help !friendica use its bandwidth better and !not DDOS other servers ;-)
RT Getting back to !Friendica :)
your home timeline's trend shows (where you follow 367 users): #fediverse #tzaf #tzag | #NSA #Ueberwachung | #friendica #statusnet | #30c3 | #elastic_search | #listening
while waiting for the powercut to begin, I am trying out #friendica and #redmatrix .
while waiting for the powercut to begin, I am trying out #friendica and #redmatrix .